Monday, February 1, 2010

no pain, no gain

or at least that's what i keep telling myself! i have taken the plunge into "Jillian Michael's 30 Day Shread".

ive read that several bloggers that i follow have tried,completed,or is going through this now. well, i wasn't going to tell anyone, but i enjoyed it so i thought i would pass my joy along.

you see, i just got back from my "Stepping Up" Bible study,and i've been pretty sore today. tonight's lesson,or one part of it, was on catching joy from other people. that's got me thinking ....

if i can find time to exercise and eat healthier, could i be a "joy" to someone who needs it? ive been very inspired by 2 close friends and, i'll be honest here and add last season's the biggest loser  inspired me too. and do i have a joy about my Lord that someone would want to catch?

that's a lot to ponder on my heart and mind on a day like today.

you see today, i have felt like i was a pin ball in one of those loud,crazy machines and everytime someone got a chance they pull the knob and i go flying into one thing and then another!

here's my day in brief: woke up 615, shred 630, Bible study homework (loved it!!!) 7, shower and getting ready 730. needing to leave at 830 to go get my oil changed, left at 840.
let me insert here about my poor prego sis - she fell on her wet steps saturday and is 1 in 1,000! no really, the break/crack in her elbow normally requires surgery, thankfully not for her and baby! and she cracked another bone in her arm right under her elbow. mom met her husband and got her, brought her back to our house, and helped her get ready for her 3 hour long doctors appointment. - ok, so then i got my oil changed, went to work, lunch - which was CRAMMED packed with email this one about this, and that one about that, made a very important phone call, then had to rush an email about something else out. somewhere in there i think i got to actually eat. then it was back to work, run to the bank, go pay health insurance [normally takes a minute. yeah, i was there for 20 minutes!!! got to catch up with some clients though! gotta network ;) ] then back to work, Bible study,and now i'm home. home with a, dare i say it, working computer!!!! yay! thanks for the help T and Kel, Dad and Dean!

i'm going to add sleep into my day's agenda now, and hoping tomorrow my life isn't the "pin ball" kind of day!

hope you all had a fabulous monday!



Emily said...

I have been contemplating buying "The Shred" dvd but I'm just not convinced I would actually do it. I sure wish I could motivate myself.

Heather said...

Let me know if "The Shred" works! I have an extreme fit and I really like it! Don't have much time to do it, but it is fun! See ya Thursday!

britts busy days said...

Em, come on sweets! if i can - you surely can! i want to be healthier for my nephews and the future one. and for myself too. it's not that bad. im sore,yes, but i can do it.

and Heather, it's good! i'll let you know if it works. i'm thinking it will since im this sore! haha! see ya thursday! woohoo! and morgan will actually be there too : )