Thursday, February 25, 2010

sometimes ya gotta let it out!

sorry pals, but a venting session is a must! normally, things don't get to me. i'm real good about talking things through with myself,then friends/family and above all else - God, my strentgh and help. sometimes i don't call on him when i should. you know, like right when "it" happens. whatever the "it" maybe.

well so here's a quick venting session before going back to work ...

#1 - LC road detour - i'm about to pull an alfafa from "the littel rascals" - dear detour, i hate your stinking guts ..... ok, so maybe i don't hate you, but i sure am disliking you. it's aggrevating. i've pardon your progress since september. i've even taken another route to avoid it. your curvy, dark,long, i'm tired of having to add an extra 10 minutes to get places,and well frankly.. .. .. you were suppose to be part of my past now. you're progress has left you a month late. i'm thinking with all this "progress", maybe a few more? yes, i know ... the weather hasn't been your friend. didnt your "wonderful" pricey contractors figure that in the time too? no? oh well. thanks anyways! on a lighter note, i can't wait to have a straighter,nicer way to work! thanks for working hard!

#2 - as i mentioned yesterday in my "not me wednesday" post, i have this client who im more than willing to loose. she's not letting up i'm afraid. God is working all things out,and i know He has a much better plan. apparently, i do have to "cowgirl up" and call her. yuck-o! oh well! what we grown ups have to do sometimes. my hope is she's already read her email. i'm thinking that's probably not my case. great! just great! (are we sensing sarcasm here? i hope so!)

so enough of that. no, i'm really not a mean person. the drive to work has me irritated lately for whatever reason. probably lack of sunshine (although we have lots today! praise the Lord!) and lack of exercise ....

im dreading this phone call because i don't like being hateful or mean. i really don't! i don't want to come out and bluntly say,"no! i'm not traveling to do your hair for this stupid wedding! go to the friggin court house and stop this! and please, leave me alone. i'm not going to be your "link" to your past life - the one in which you chose to leave! yes, i do love your daughter, but i have ways to get to see her too and not through you!"

this isn't just any client. it's one that was once a friend of sorts. it's personal not business. if it was only business this would be much easier!

 i hope everyone's having a wonderful hair day! the weather here is beautiful,cold yes, but beautiful! my curls are loving it! now, to freshen up my make up and head to work.

thanks for listening!

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