Friday, February 19, 2010

whats this i see?

well, more like, what was that bright thing shining ALL day long? oh yeah! the sun! a local weather man said yesterday (thursday) that we had had sunshine 12 out of 80 days. wow! i so believe him too! letmetellyou! it's been one more cold,dreary,rainy/snow/sleet-y kind of winter here in sweet home alabama, and we're not use to it! not that we have mild winters all the time, but it has not been this cold for this long in fifty years (another "fun" fact from the weather men here). if it would come a decent snow - 3 to 4 inches - one time, then it would be worth it,but sheesh! this junk has everyone feeling horrible! i realized today that in three,yes three weeks my friends, daylight savings time begins!!! woohoo! bring on spring fever,spring time,flowers,allergies,babies,Easter,the Women of Joy conference, and so forth and so on!!!

speaking of time ..... i can not believe how fast february has gone! we're way past half way now, there are only 9 days left! crazy!!!! i hate to wish my life away, but come on march! lots of wonderful things will be going on in march. here's a small glimpse:
-sis will go into her 2nd trimester and get her cast off. (in case you ever wonder if miracles still happen - sister's elbow injury can surely tell you!)
-my dad's bday :)
- mo's bday  (the day after dads)
- baby shower for friend at church and her son baby micah
-getting ready for Easter program at church
- my papa turns 75!!!! he just doesn't seem that old to me anymore. i remember ragging him about turning 60,and thought that was old. now i can say that was 15 years ago, and that makes me sound old (the fact that now i remember things 21 years ago and under).
- 2 months closer to me turning 25
- 4 other family bdays
- daylight savings time begins! i don't see this as loosing an hour of sleep like some. i love the sunshine!
- a possible birth to kick off this year's baby boom at my church, baby allie :)
and spring break. no i don't get one, but kel does! which means on that wednesday, we'll probably be shopping and such : )

and those are all things on my a-d-d mind right now without my calendar and regular daily/weekly activities.

i hope you have some sunshine shining in your windows this weekend! tomorrow i'm off work (yay!) because i'm taking 11 kids to the Alabama Baptist "Children's Mission Explosion: a walk with paul". i'm very excited and so are the 9 girls and 2 boys going! as part of our "children's missions day:home team" mission, we are donating birthday party supplies to the Alabama Baptist Children's Home. the ABCH is a wonderful place for local/state children without families. and how awesome that we can give them birthday party supplies?! and letmejustsay, i did not know how expensive it can get with buying favors and such! my town just got a much larger,nicer dollar store and mailed everyone a $5 off coupon for a purchase over $20. well, i went in wanting to spend $30 and came out spending $31 something! go me! i got a lot of awesome stuff too! other people have been so generous,and the donations are still coming in! i wished i could see the boys and girls faces these items are going too, but that's not reality. however, i have a feeling there's going to be bright,bright smiles!

so here's to a bright sunshine-y day and weekend off!

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