Sunday, February 14, 2010

what a "lovely" day

im bored out of my mind,yet there's so much i could be doing. at this particular moment,sarcasm is my best friend.bare with me here. . . this morning the area i live in woke up to white stuff on the ground! again! yes, that's right! north bama got another dusting of snow, and even though it melted several hours ago, we are expecting - gasp - 3 inches by in the morning! wonderful! well, maybe ;) playing it on the safe side, my church actually cancelled services for tonight. i'm so amazed by this! we never cancel church! ever! seriously! we have AWANA on sunday nights,but not tonight (school is out tomorrow and that's how we plan their schedule),so i guess if it had to happen tonight was a good night for this to happen.

i'm not one that celebrates "hallmark" holidays. no, i'm not going to yell at you. i will even send back, "you too." texts when you wish me a "happy valentine's day". i even baked muffins for my sunday school kids today. which were only two kids instead of our normal "bunch" thanks to the white stuff. i even went to see the movie "valentines day". and let me tell you! it was a wonderful movie! i was really surprised, and why with Garry Marshall directing i was surprised i'll never know, how well the story line was all put together. we laughed so hard - as in everyone in the theatre - and some around me even cried. i'm not much on crying. i won't spoil it in anyway, but i will say this. there was a couple who shocked the youknowwhat out of me closer to the end! thank goodness it's not real life : ) as i walked into sunday school today, i wasn't greeted with "happy valentines day" but rather with "happy single awareness day". it doesn't bother me to be single today. it didn't bother me a week ago, a month or year or day ago and hopefully it won't tomorrow. so it sure as heck doesn't bother me today. i did get some good loving today from a boy - mr nephew logan shared some love with his aunt britt earlier :) now that's almost as awesome as God's love for His children!

so where ever you are, whatever your relationship status and whatever the weather - happy good hair day,keep warm and stay inside on snowy days, and happy day with love from me, and remember that God's love never fails. not even for a blink of an eye


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