Thursday, January 21, 2010

updates on life and newnesses

Praise the Lord for normal weeks again! no snow, no frozen pipes at work, no working on my off day, no holiday (well at least for me - i didnt get mr. kings bday off). i'm not sure why a normal week excites me so.

although i say normal, it's kind of been a busy week - monday- Bible study. tues - dinner with meg (wonderful new place and company) wed - church thurs - family night. tomorrow - i'm hoping for sleep haha!

i know next week is another full week,and that's great with me! it's rained some here this week,and until today, my curls were loving it! i decided back in the summer to grow my hair out for Locks of Love. well, then my hair stylist decided i was kidding about only wanting the ends nipped,so their "nip" meant 2 1/2 inches. always let your stylist know what your idea of measurements are! any whoo .... my hair is finally getting long! i'm so excited! it's been 2 years since i had 8 inches cut off, and i'm ready for that 8 inches back! growing out my hair was another one of my new year resloutions ... well a possible one at least.

which that brings me to my next point .... how are your new years resolutions working out for you?

so far, i'm doing much better on food choices (except for the snow days). now if i could just find the right starting exercise program ..... and loving on my nephews when i get the chance! they're so big! they just keep growing!their smiles have me captivated!

in the more giving to my church,i've decided to stop eating out for lunch and stopped getting my nails done. so far, i can tell i have more money left over at the end of the week, feel better, eating better, and really enjoying my alone time at lunch. and my blogging time i might add : )

havent found any extras thousands laying around for a new car, but hey! it's just 21 days into the year,right?!

have a wonderful day! hope the rain doesn't have your hair looking shabby ... Britt

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