Monday, January 4, 2010

back at it!

i loved the holidays, but man i'm ready to get back into the swing of things! i'm a planner,as i'm sure you have figured out, and i'm ready to get to a routine! i was thinking how many people were waiting to start their new resolutions today since new years started on the weekend?

i kind of did. i had a healthier breakfast. for a long time now my breakfast was always 2 kellogs red berry waffles with no syrup that i ate in my car (i know bad me.) or 2 strawberry pop tarts, yes with the icing like stuff. well, the waffles have ended because the walmart i shop at has stopped carrying them, and i never think to drive across the road to see if publix has them or not. i've decided to grow up and fix a real like breakfast. this morning! i had a bagel with some cream cheese and 2 scrambled eggs (used a non-fat cooking spray instead of butter) and had my trusty glass of orange juice. that's a healthier start, don't ya think? well, maybe not the cream cheese part.

i'm so excited about tonight! tonight i start a Bible study written by the amazing Beth Moore!

i'm so excited!

i'll join some of the fabulous ladies i go to church with, and take this journey with them and my ever so wonderful mother! my mom loves Beth Moore, and i'll be honest for awhile i resented such. i'm not sure why. maybe it was because i thought my mom had become obsessed about it. then i realized, when i started the "Breaking Free" Bible study by Beth Moore, that through this lady's teachings my mom had received a healing of sorts.i have previously posted that one day i would share with you the thing or deal as i sometimes refer to it. (see FAMILY:part 3 in sept). well, God reminded me that HE broke me free from it fall 2008. how soon we forget! After the "Breaking Free" study, i saw what my  mom had been seeing. and tonight, i'm ready to start "Stepping Up"! well, at least i'm thinking i am. i'm not really familiar with this study. i'm not exactly why it's titled like it is, but God has a plan. i'll have five nights of homework, which i haven't had in some time now! even in beauty school i had most everything accomplished at school. it came easy for me, but that could have a lot to do with the fact i was freshly out of high school where i rarely had homework and never had to study. this Bible study is through Psalm 120-134, the song of the ascent.

so here's to the first day,of the first full week, of the first month, of the new year of the new decade!

Until later, B

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