Thursday, January 6, 2011

a time for change(s)

isn't that was this time of year is all about? i think so. i've been missing blogging so much. it's a great place to express the deeper stuff. why? i don't know. i'm totally ok with not having many followers. this is for me. selfish? hmmmm....

i don't have much time, but i will sum up christmas.

i got ALL my shopping done in two trips! the saturday and wednesday before Christmas, and wrapped them all by the time i went to bed wednesday night!

then i got sick. i thought i had a cold. christmas morning i wake up feeling weird. drunk almost, or what i would think that would feel like. i realized we had been given a white christmas in bama! wow! those words only go together in songs for us bama belles! did i get to enjoy it? ummm, no. that weird feeling was a 102.5 fever which finally broke in time for my sibs and their families to come over for supper. different ones had been sick with this and that, so it was my turn. one twin and their mom was at home sick. i couldn't hold and kiss nephew c b/c i was sickly. nephew l was the star of the show : ) he's great at being the center of attention! i ended up loosing my voice, feeling like i was swallowing razor blades every.single.time. i had to swallow. on monday i decided to not go in at work and go to a urgent care doctor. i told the doc i felt silly for being there b/c i was feeling better. he, not so nicely and very bluntly said, "you're not better. (add in total disgust look too). you have walking pneumonia." he writes my prescriptions out and then the nurse comes in with a paper about what i have and says bye bye.

i was speechless. i almost cried. what on earth?! i never, thankfully, get sick sick!

i'm much better. still sound different, ok croaky like. i'm pretty sure it'll be awhile before i can sing again. it's so heart breaking for me not to be able to sing in the car with my fav christian station, or at church! i love to sing! i want to sing! i want my voice back!

i've decided 2011 is going to  be the year where this isn't the case: "If you always do what you've always done, you'll always get what you've always got."

so changes are coming. i feel it

Busy B

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