Monday, January 24, 2011

third time a charm?!

last winter i bought Jillian Michael's 30 Day Shred. I worked out with it for a few, and stopped. Then in the summer, Liz and I did it for almost 2 months. So here's to tomorrow. . . and I'm thinking I'm not going to do JM's dvd, maybe something new.

I have not lost my want to to live a healthier, better life. In fact, how could I not when this morning I was down 3 whole pounds! WOOHOO! Now, if Wednesday night at church those scales say the same thing, or even just a 1.5 lb loss, I'll be a happy happy gal!

Let me add here, I have not one time deprived myself of something I wanted. Last Monday night at chilis I even had some of my brownie shot dessert my meal came with, Friday night I had fajitas at a Mexican restaurant in my hometown. I only ate 2 chips/salsa, no cheese dip (probably the biggest temptation for me so far), 2 bites of rice and beans, and the rest chicken and veggies. Sunday I went out to Outback with some friends from church who are on this journey with me. Only, let me add here, one of them has always been small, and seems to being a much harder time than me. I love this person which is the only reason I wasn't ugly to them and tell them to shut their skinny mouth! I had a delicious and very satisfying meal for 500 cals. Awesome!

So, this can and will be done, along with my new list. I'm a list maker, or used to be. Now, I'm back at it.

here's a few BIG BIG BIG items on my list to save money and loose weight for!

1) have a professional photo shoot with my 3 nephews this spring as a bday gift to myself

2) beach trip with liz

3) kellie's graduation - and from the looks of some shots of me at christmas, I don't want anyone with a camera close to me until -20 lbs from now!

hi! ho! back to work I go!
Busy B

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