Monday, July 5, 2010


hello all! i hope you all have enjoyed your Independence day weekend!

i know i haven't been around for a while, but this time will be brief. i will be back soon. today, i'm simply asking for prayers.

i have a large family, and i love them all. we're very close too, which is different these days.

one of my dad's first cousins was riding a horse saturday night and was hit by a vehicle. he has 2 children who are a few years younger then me (and are estranged from him - sad,but true) and a 5 year old daughter.

bottom line - he may not make it. it's not looking good. so please, pray for my family and especially him. God knows who you'll be talking about, so please. take a minute,if you don't mind, and thank God for our free country and whatever else you may need to thank Him for or ask Him for, and then add us in.


With a prayerful, wondering heart,
Busy Britt

1 comment:

Meg said...

Praying for you guys!